360 Degree Rotating Ladder – 50 degree incline – Ezy Tread

EGA # K212
Freight Class150-300
FOB: WI 53005Y
FOB: NC 28115n/a
Wt. Lbs.194
Overall W x L x H38"x82"x116"
Tread Widths30""
Top Step Height80"
# Of Steps8

The surprisingly nimble -series rolling ladder from EGA Products feature the unique 4 wheel, double Ezy-lock design for incredible mobility. The K-series has a 360 degree rotation capability, which means they can spin on their own axis while still maintaining a straight line. Ladders like these, made with perforated EZY Tread ®, are designed to provide just enough grip to lock the foot in place, while still allowing the autonomy to work freely. EZY Tread won’t wear down like the completion’s imported rubber-like material, and it performs well in concert with a multitude of work footwear. In the case of item K212, the configuration features 30″ wide steps and an overall rise of 80″ off the ground.